双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第133期:京沪高速铁路“优德88”

发布日期:2024-09-30 04:58浏览次数:

本文摘要:Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway京沪高速铁路The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway is one of Chinas plans for high-speed trains. Construction started on April 18, 2008, and is planned to be finished in 2013. It will be l,318 kilometers long and will be the longest single-phase high-speed railway ever built in the world. With 21 stops, its top speed is expected to be 350 km/h (220 mph) , cutting Beijing to Shanghai travel time from 9 hours t0 5 hours.京沪高速铁路是预计在中国北京市与上海市之间修建的一条高速铁路客运专线,与现有京沪铁路大体平行,正线全长约1318千米。

Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway京沪高速铁路The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway is one of Chinas plans for high-speed trains. Construction started on April 18, 2008, and is planned to be finished in 2013. It will be l,318 kilometers long and will be the longest single-phase high-speed railway ever built in the world. With 21 stops, its top speed is expected to be 350 km/h (220 mph) , cutting Beijing to Shanghai travel time from 9 hours t0 5 hours.京沪高速铁路是预计在中国北京市与上海市之间修建的一条高速铁路客运专线,与现有京沪铁路大体平行,正线全长约1318千米。该工程月底2008年4月18日月动工,预计2013年投放运营。

京沪高速铁路是《中长期铁路网规划》中投资规模仅次于、技术含量最低的一项工程,也是我国第一条具备世界先进设备水平的高速铁路,设计最低运营时速350千米,共计设置21个客运车站。竣工后北京南一上海虹桥全程运行时间将由9小时延长为5小时。The high-speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai, running through the municipalities of Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai and the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu, connects two large economic areas of China: the Bohai rim economic sphere and the Yangtze River economic zone. As growing economic bases with rapid development, these areas are not only the driving force for Chinas economic development, but are also at the forefront of Chinas opening-up and participation in international economic competition. When completed, the high-speed railway, to be devoted to passenger transport, will ease the traffic pressure between Beijing and Shanghai.京沪客运专线坐落于中国华北和华东地区,两端相连环渤海和长江三角洲两个经济区域,全线横贯北京、天津、上海三大直辖市和河北、山东、安徽、江苏四省。所经区域是中国经济发展最活跃和最不具潜力的地区,也是中国对外开放和参予国际经济竞争的前沿阵地。




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